domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Teen Titans Go!: Lady Legasus

Hey guys,

I  have seen alot of people watched the recent TT Go! episode where Raven's showing her legs and take on the identity of Lady Legasus. That episode was just pure fanservice  that like Raven and who doesn't and after watching some great LL fanart thought i would do my own. I was gonna do her in her Go! style or do 2 versions  of her original design and Go! Design but this one looks like it's hard to top, hope you guys enjoy these legs XD.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Commission: Kim Possible: Kim's Wardrobe Malfunction

Hey guys,

this is a commission for IronBloodAika who wanted a pic of Kim Possible. If you remember when Ron was using the grappling hook  it somehow gets caught with his pants leaving him in his underwear so this time Kim's the one that gets it but not just her pants but her entire clothes, leaving her just bra, panties and boots lol.

I think everyone wanted to see this scene when it happen to Ron but never happened....till now lol.
